
Dec 6, 2011

Windows and Wood

I got all the windows done! I got the wallpaper in, the wood paneling done and the chair rails. Here are some photos:

With the frames in, before putting in the clear plastic sheet I'm using for glass.

After the addition of the clear plastic sheets, and wallpaper.

The broken first story left window:

Broken top story left window...was supposed to be the right one, so I may have to get creative...Looks like a German is going to be in the dormer window with an MG now. :)

Got the wood paneling in with chair rail. This is just the bare wood without paint. I did a layer of tan (looks really nice with that wallpaper on the first floor, and won't distract from the flooring) but didn't take a photo of it alone, but you can see it in a photo below.

Got the cross frame in for the windows...Am trying to decide what to do with the door. Barely hanging on its hinges? Fully intact and open or closed? Not on at all, lying in rubble somewhere?

And here's the inside. I scraped up the wallpaper pretty good...the reason for different wallpapers is these will all be different rooms. The Cafe will be a Cafe on bottom with the hotel on top, hence the one window per room. It will make for interesting walls as well. The black marker spots are for the laths that are going to be used for the flooring when I get that going. Need the building to dry first...Yay, clamps!

Here's the outside put together...I think it's coming along really well. Still tons of work to do...gutters, door, more carving of stone into the plaster, painting, shutters, signs, floors..not too shabby for a day's work!

Thanks for reading!

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