
Oct 9, 2011

Yellow Tan

Well, school has been keeping me busy so I haven't had as much time as I would like to keep working, but I was able to get a little bit done.
Started the furniture!
My first ever dresser! Built out of Plastruct and using tiny beads from the hobby shop:

Had a hard time deciding on what color to use for the outside of the destroyed house. I decided on the lighter of the yellow-tan shade:

Got the first coat of paint on it. It still needs some more paint. This is drybrushed, and I will be adding more wet coats as I go along. Still need to add in the other partial floor, which I started building, another half-wall, gutters, shutters, the hanging-off-the-hinges front door, the roof, and tons of rubble and debris!

Here's another little piece of furniture, a dining table. I'm not sure it's historically accurate, though, and need to do some research before I continue building furniture.

Started on one of the Dragon Airborne guys. I'm gonna wait for the rest of my figures to come in before I continue working on them. I need a better idea of the scene in my mind, so working on the buildings will help that. I have a small piece laid out already, as we've seen with the grenade throw and the Germans in the Cafe, but I need to figure out other scenic elements like...walls, laundry hanging up, and basic moves the Americans will take in order to knock out the German machine gun.

The figs are nicely done. The pockets are my favorite part, as they look like they are full of stuff, which is a much more realistic type of figure than those with flat side pockets. He still needs to be filed down and sanded some more, but he's a good figure. There's 3 more that will need some modding, probably, but we'll see!

That's it for now. Hope to be back soon with some more!

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